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Maintaining Your Property

Published: February 21, 2024

As we welcome the warmer weather, the City of Denton would like to remind all property owners to ensure the proper maintenance of their lawns. With the changing seasons, high grass and weeds become common issues that can affect the overall aesthetics and quality of our community.

To assist you in understanding and addressing the most common property violations encountered by the City of Denton and the Compliance team for the HOA each year, we have attached an educational flyer from The City of Denton. This resource provides valuable information and guidelines to help you maintain your property in accordance with local regulations, The HOA guidelines still apply.

By staying proactive and adhering to these guidelines, we collectively contribute to the beauty and cleanliness of our neighborhood. Additionally, proper property maintenance enhances property values and fosters a sense of pride within our community.

We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our neighborhood well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing for everyone. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding property maintenance, please don't hesitate to reach out to the City of Denton at, your HOA Compliance team member at or your association manager at

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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